How to Calculate Child Support & Maintenance

The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson is here to ensure that you receive your fair share for the care and support of your children and yourself. In Illinois, the calculations for maintenance and child support are now based on both spouses’ combined income, with statutory formulas based upon same. 

Maintenance, otherwise known as spousal support or alimony, are payments paid between spouses to ensure the other can maintain a similar lifestyle that each enjoyed during the marriage.  This is calculated by taking 33% of the payor’s net income subtracted by 25% of the payee’s net income. Of course, this is not without limitations to ensure that that amount, when added to the payee’s net income does not exceed 40% of the parties’ combined gross income.  The duration is based upon the length of marriage. Important to note this timer stops once you file for divorce. 

Similarly for child support, the state also uses the income shares approach, and factors in the number of overnights spent with each parent. Parents are expected to pay for additional expenses such as medical, education and healthcare in addition to child support, based upon their percentage of income after payment of support. 

While this is just the highlights, please contact us for a consultation to discuss support, and the various aspects of these issues.

NOTICE: This blog is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as providing legal advice. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding this blog post.

FinancialsErin Wilson