Year 2 in Review

Bye 2020! Typically change takes time… change at the office, change with the courts. In March, our worlds were turned upside down and change happened immediately.

The Domestic Relations Division was lucky. Our presiding Judge Grace Dickler helped us pivot quickly with ongoing General Orders and Court via Zoom and with her efforts, transitioning to remote court was as swift and effective as possible. Despite this, the changes we faced have not been without bumps in the road, and certainly more challenges are yet to come. It was not only court that went to Zoom – almost all we do on a daily basis changed: mediation, meetings with clients, children and lawyers, and team meetings. We learned that we are adaptable and can make this work, and work well actually.  

Our staff also adapted to working from home. I am proud of how our team worked together to adjust to the new challenges that this year brought. We welcomed our new legal assistant, Michela Anderson, who trained almost entirely remotely and quickly became an asset to our team. Olivia Basu took time off to study and after months of hard work and delays, passed the bar exam remote. We are so excited for her to be licensed on January 14th and begin working as an Associate!  All the while, our clerk Emily Ruwe remained consistently awesome and helpful while also adjusting to attending law school remotely. I have been working from my basement spare bedroom turned office.

Over the last year, COVID-19 hit everyone hard. It has been difficult for many families to navigate, as they struggle through losses, caring for loved ones, learning to balance work schedules with remote learning, changes in parenting schedules that were no longer effective, and many other difficulties. I am glad that in my different roles as a Guardian ad Litem, Child Representative, Mediator, and Parenting Coordinator, to assist families through this difficult time as new and unforeseen issues arise.

One constant during this ever-changing time has been the firm’s devotion to our clients and dedication to hard work. I am really proud that The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson LLC now has 2 years gone by, and we continue to do plenty of good work for families and children.

NOTICE: This blog is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as providing legal advice. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding this blog post.

FirmErin Wilson