Starting the New Year Fresh from Emotional Baggage

“New year, new me” is often a saying heard as a new year begins and another is left in the past. But how does one really enter into a new year without the emotional toll the prior year took looming still? 

  1. Self care. This past year has been tough, especially with the addition of divorce or parenting issues. Make sure to take some time for some self-care and take care of your own mental and physical health. This can be anything from watching your favorite movie or show, spending time with friends or family in person or on Zoom, or doing a physical activity you enjoy such as running or an online workout. Do what makes you feel good. Keep your headspace clear and go into the new year owning your new normal. 

  2. Seek help. Whether it is talking to a family member, friend, or a professional. There is no shame in needing help during this difficult time. Opening up to individuals who will be able to assist you and talk through your emotions will allow you to process your feelings. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help from a therapist. The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson is able to offer referrals to a number of counseling services and therapists.  

  3. Positive Thoughts. It takes energy and actively changing your thought process to decide to think positively. It is natural for our brains to go to the negative, and it takes effort to switch our ways of thinking. When a negative thought comes to mind, instead of dwelling on it, try to instead think of something positive such as a fond memory or time with your children, or a promotion at work. Changing this way of thinking will allow for you to move away from the negative emotions from the past year. 

  4. Empathize with yourself. Give yourself some credit; divorce and parenting issues take a lot out of a person emotionally. Recognize that you have dealt or are dealing with a difficult period and your emotions are warranted. 

Consider the above tips to enter into the new year while leaving emotional baggage in the past. The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson is here for you as you navigate your divorce or parenting proceedings. Please contact The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson LLC for a consultation regarding your divorce or call 312-767-4220.

NOTICE: This blog is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as providing legal advice. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding this blog post.